Troopons®–Coupons for Troops
Did you know that expired manufacturer coupons are still good for 6 months at U.S. military bases overseas?
The Support Our Troops® Troopons® program enhances the well-being of overseas and domestic military families by sending them food, non-food, baby, and pet manufacturer coupons to make their hard-earned dollars go farther.
What are Troopons?
Mail your coupons to:
Support Our Troops®P.O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070
Troopons® are what you can do with coupons you don't use! Send them to the troops overseas! It's an easy way to make a big difference in their lives. Print and use our handy clipping/packing instructions. They get them packed the way the commissaries need them.
How You Can Help:
Here at home it's easy — our papers and magazines arrive full of coupons. Overseas military families don’t receive these papers and magazines. However, the stores on overseas military bases accept expired manufacturer coupons from back here at home. They can be expired up to six (6) months!
So what can we all do? Well, this is America. We can do anything! So we’ve all pitched in to help these amazing men, women and families reduce their grocery bills and free up some of their hard-earned pay for other necessities or niceties. Shopping abroad can be especially tough for military families because currency exchange rates often work against them reducing the buying power of their paycheck.
So every dollar you can help them save in their on-base store makes their paycheck go further for things on or off base.
Troopons Make a Difference:
“It is AMAZING to me how many coupons are sent and how much we can save by using them! It is truly a blessing to us all! Thank you for your dedication to supporting our military and their families overseas! P.S. LOVE the baby, diaper, and Pull-Ups coupons!! Oh, who am I kidding, I love ALL the coupons! THANK YOU!!!!!”
~~ Dawn
~Happy Military Spouse and Mommy to Two Wonderful Angels, currently in Germany, "Hallo, I just would like to let you know that we received your coupons. Thank you very much and mainly for separating them in to those 4 categories for us, it helps a lot. Thank you! God bless you and take care!"
~ Illesheim, Germany.
How to Send Troopons:
Simply mail your coupons the cheapest way you can to us, and we will make sure they get to the troops.
Mail your coupons to:
Support Our Troops®
P.O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070
(Put your email address in the box so we can communicate with you electroncially! It costs a fortune to mail thousands of letters, and we can instead spend that further serving the troops!)
SupportOurTroops.Org administers the routing from there forward to base stores worldwide, and to bases across the U.S. following the constantly changing needs related to category and quantity per location.
What should I send?
- Send only coupons from manufacturers for their products. Examples include items like soup, pasta, or toothpaste.
- Not assistance vouchers. Not food stamps or the like. Not restaurant coupons. Not store name coupons.
Clip Out Your Coupons.
Print and use our handy clipping/packing instructions
- They must be clipped out individually. We can't clip them for you and the bases cannot clip them because they don't have the manpower.
- Package them in sandwich-size plastic bags.
- Separate them into food, non-food, baby, and pet baggies (the military advises they will recycle unsorted coupons due to lack of manpower).
Good Coupons
- Only "Manufacturer's Coupons" can be used.
- They can be from the newspaper, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, and elsewhere as long as they state "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them.
Bad Coupons
- No assistance vouchers.
- No food stamps.
- No store coupons.
- No restaurant coupons.
- No Internet coupons.
Sort & Pack the Coupons
- Pack them separated in sandwich-size plastic bags.
- Separate food, baby products, pet and non-food coupons to us route them to the right commissaries.
- Don't use rubber bands, paper clips, etc.
- Put your email address in the box to us so we can communicate with you electroncially! It costs a fortune to mail thousands of letters, and we can instead spend that further serving the troops!
Mark the Bags
- Write "food," "baby," "non-food" or “pet” as appropriate on the outside of each bag.
- About twice a year please take a bit of extra time and add up the dollar amount of what is in each bag of coupons, and write it on the outside of the bag. Time and life are precious: you do NOT have to do this every time you send us coupons! Thank you!
SOT conducted a survey of troops regarding the Troopons program administer by Ph.D. survey specialist to assure scientific validity. The results were astounding! The findings show the following about military families served by the Troopons Program:
- Over 60% said they use Troopons several times each month
- 33% said they use Troopons weekly
Military families say use their savings to:
- Pay other bills
- Send their children to college
- Simply “make ends meet”
- Purchase things they otherwise could not afford
See the whole survey results here.
Frequently Asked Questions. (FAQs)
{slider title="Are we still doing this?" open="false"}
Yes, if you see this page, we are still doing this. It was last updated 4-25-2023.
{slider title="This is patriotic, but not tax deductible."}
You'll get your benefit by feeling good now, and when you meet God, not when you file with the taxman.
{slider title="Is There a Minimum Donation Size?"}
A million grains of sand make a big beach.
{slider title="What is \"Food\"?"}
- Food can be eaten or drank by humans for nourishment.
- Chewing gum and mints are considered food.
{slider title="What is Non-Food?"}
Housewares, animal food, vitamins, etc. are not food.
{slider title="Does SOT Ship Coupons to Individual Military Families?"}
- No. All of the shipments go to the base stores at which all of the surrounding families will end up anyway. It would be far too expensive and administratively difficult to split out and ship to millions of individual addresses. It would be impossible to estimate and control the proper quantity to individual addresses, and the bulk of them would be wasted be wasted.
{slider title="Why do you Deem it Best to Ship Only to Military Stores?"}
- It is by far the most efficient method. We can ship in bulk, which saves tremendously on shipping cost. Everyone wants charities to have low overhead and this is one smart way to do it. Families can use what they need while they are at the store and put back what they did not use so that the next shopper may use them. Everyone goes to these stores anyway to do their shopping, and these stores are where the coupons need to end up.
- Further, by dealing only at the store level we are able to ship more to stores which tell us they need more, pause shipments to stores that say they have too much, and send less to stores that tell us they need less. This could not possibly be affordably done at the individual level.
{slider title="Can Off-Base Families Use These Coupons?"}
- Absolutely. Most of the off-base families go on base to do their shopping. And so the coupons will be right there at the store where they are needed. Everyone wants charities to maintain low overhead and avoid waste. Shipping to the store allows us to concentrate the resource were will be found by everybody going there whether they come from on-base or off-base. Postage and shipping to thousands of addresses around bases, multiplied by hundreds of bases, would be astronomically expensive and use up funds that could be spent on other wonderful SupportOurTroops.Org programs benefiting active-duty military. So whether one lives off base or on base they can use the Troopons program because they will find the Troopons located at the on-base store.
{slider title="Can People Take Coupons From the Store to Use Off Base?"}
- That is up to the policies set by the local base store. Once delivered to the store by SOT, ownership is relinquished and the use of these coupons by the store is without restriction. SupportOurTroops.Org does not believe it needs to micromanage matters after delivery and that such decisions are best made within the military community. SOT just gets its hands on as much stuff as it can and pushes over to the military.
- Once it is in the military's hands, the military is best to determine particular aspects of its use.
{slider title="Buying|Selling Coupons"}
- We do not sell coupons. And this is not an offer to buy coupons. This transfer program is void where prohibited.
- We also try not to accept coupons from companies or products wanting to prohibit free transfer of their coupons to military families. In the opinion of many such a practice would be un-American. But to assist implementing the wishes of a company or product wanting their coupons not to be given to military families, we will upon notice post a list of such companies and products on this webpage to notify all good Americans participating in the Troopons program of that company's position and behavior in order to assist in avoiding collection of those types of coupons.
Let's make the troops as proud of us as we are of them!
Japan: "Good morning, On behalf of the Marines, Sailors, civilian employees and family members aboard Marine Corp Air Station Iwakuni, Japan, we would like to thank you and your organization for preparing and sending coupons to our service members and families. We truly appreciate your commitment and contribution to our coupon distribution program and would love for you to keep us on your mailing list. Our personal financial manager here at Marine and Family Services conducts a quarterly "Biggest Saver Coupon Contest," and it has been a huge success here on the air station. Last quarter's winner saved $216.95, and the biggest saver overall saved over $650. The winners receive a free one-hour massage. As you can see, the work that you have put forth with these coupons was not in vain. Again, thank you for all that you do to support our military community."
~~Sincerely, Marine and Family Services, MCAS Iwakuni, Japan.
United Kingdom: "When we receive coupons, our staff separates them into small sealable sandwich bags then affixes labels . . . that all coupons are good for six months past expiration in overseas commissaries. We recently purchased over a dozen stand-alone baskets to hold bags of coupons and strategically placed them around our installation. The popularity of this program has grown to where we restock most baskets weekly and have received numerous comments from individuals on how much these coupons have saved them (up to 70% in some instances). Even I spend an evening once a month sifting through coupon bags at home!"
~~ Col Frank ----