Our family is grateful to you all for the hardwork and dedication you give each and every day to keep our country free and safe. We can never express to you enough what you mean to us all. Your sacrifices and efforts do not go without notice or appreciation. Keep strong and come home! ~~The ------, Las Vegas, Nev.
I am very active in the VFW and American Legion here at home. It is so hard for me to imagine being in your shoes. With all my heart, I thank you for being there and fighting for our freedom and the generations to come. My love, my prayers are there with you daily. Stay strong. Safety be with all of you. ~~Soo -------, Fort Pierce, Fla.
I just want to let you know that I am so thankful that you are here to be one of God's Angel's. I pray that you know God's peace and his love. You have my prayers and my highest respect everyday. Please take care. ~~Monica -------, Richmond, Mich.