Tallahassee, FL. (May 30, 2022) Anyone who has run out of groceries a week before pay day can identify with the plight of our most junior servicemembers and their families. Trying to support a family on a private’s pay has never been easy, but its even more difficult in these inflationary times. At Support Our Troops, we believe no servicemember and his family should go hungry while risking their lives to protect this nation.
That is why we provide millions in food assistance to military families deployed around the globe. Our logistics team coordinates with 20 plus military commissaries and base exchanges to provide free food assistance to warrior families that need them. It is estimated that Support Our Troops donations save the average military family up to $160.00 a month, freeing up funds they can use for other things.
Won’t you help?
Please consider helping by contributing to SOT Care Packages at supportourtroops.org