Op Pop Hits Forts Polk, Jackson, Irwin, Campbell
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- Hits: 2578
January 3, 2010 - Fort Polk, LA, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Irwin, California, and Fort Campbell, Kentucky, just got 35 pallets, or $148,995 worth, of trail mix treats, tins of flavored prepopped popcorn, and microwave popcorn from SOT's Operation Popcorn. OP POP happens only thanks to the individual Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts who go door to door down most streets in America each Fall in their annual popcorn sale. The Scouts, and the average people who answer their doors on those streets, care enough about the men and women who step up for all of us, that they make OP POP happen during the Scout's popcorn sale every year. Are you are kid? Want to learn how to do millions of dollars worth of business and help people all over the world? Check out Scouting.