I'm stationed in South Korea right now and I see all the videos and messages of americasupportsyou.mil and being away from family and friends it really helps me get though my time. I want to thank everyone who supports all the troops as we support our fellow brothers and sisters in the sandbox. Even if there isn't much that we can do even a simple message picks up the hope of everyone and may brighten their day. Thank You! ~~Sra Edmund -------, US Air Force, Edison, NJ
I love all the support and thank yous I get on a daily basis. I want to thank you too. Without you, my job would be much harder. I love all my fellow brothers and sisters in arms and all those that served and all those that stood by or raised a soldier. Stand Fast, Carry On, and OUT FRONT! Scouts Out! ~~Spc Chris ------, US Army Avation, Yorktown, Va.
I just want to express my gratitude to all those who show their support to all the soldiers serving. When I left for Iraq I was greatly touched by the people who showed up at the airport on our way overseas. I feel touched every time someone personally shows their support. I can't thank everyone enough. Even though I'm over in Iraq, I want to thank the soldiers who are out there every day risking their lives. I don't think they hear that enough from the soldiers that don't have a job that isn't as dangerous. I'm proud to be an American Soldier. ~~SPC ------, Army, Chicago, Ill.
Hello my fellow Texans, I just want to thank everyone for their support and prayers. I want to also thank my family and my church for their prayers and concern. I know without their support this job would b a lot harder. Again I thank you all for all the support. ~~Kevin -----, IT3/Navy, Brazoria
I am a 10-year active duty Airman in the middle of my third tour to the Desert. Saudi Arabia (2001), Kuwait (2004), and Iraq (2007). And it gets easier every time I deploy thanks to the endless sincere support we receive from those true Americans who beleive in what we are doing to ensure freedom for all generations after us the world over. I am a Vermont native who primarily grew up in the Brattleboro area, but bounced all around Windham county during much of that time. I love my country, but Love Vermont more than anything and am proud to serve and willing to die to preserve the Vermont way of life that I hold so dear. Thanks again for all your continued support and encouragement, it means more than you could ever know. ~~SSgt Michael E. -------, E-5/USAF, Brattleboro, Vt.
Having completed tours in Pakistan, Iraq, and JTF HOA (Africa). I cannot express how much your support means to us. We are proud to serve for the future of our children. Thank you, Patrick ~~TSgt Patrick ------, USAF, New Preston Connecticut
I want to thank every single one of you out there that supports all of us troops over in Iraq. Currently I'm deployed in Iraq and almost every week we get packages from all over that states with goodies, books, toothpaste, you name it. I want to let everyone know that all of us LOVE our country and all of you. Thank You. ~~SSgt Justin ------, USAF, Enterprise, Ala.